
R and RStudio

Many tools exist to do Data Analysis and Statistics with different degrees of power and difficulty such as:

  • Spreadsheets: Excel, Libreoffice, Numbers
  • Proprietary software: Minitab, Matlab
  • Programming languages: Visual Basic, R, Python, Julia
  • Databases: sqlite, postgre, mysql, mongodb

Choosing the right set of tools for Data Science is often not a very scientific task. Mostly is a matter of what is available and what our colleagues, customers or suppliers use. As with everything it is important to remain open to evaluate new tools and approaches and even to be able to combine them.

In this book we’ve chosen to provide all examples in R which is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. Besides taste and personal preference R brings a significant number of specific advantages in the field of Industrial Data Science:

R allows for reproducible research

This because the algorithms and functions defined to make the calculations can be inspected and all results can be fully reproduced and audited. This is known as reproducible research and is a critical aspect in all areas where a proof is needed such as in equipment validation and product quality reporting.

R functions and tools can be audited and improved

Being an open source language, all R libraries and packages added to the basic environment can be audited, adapted and improved. This is very important because when we enter into details every industry has a slight different way of doing things, different naming conventions, different coefficients and so on.

R is extensible

R is compatible with most other software on the market and is an excellent “glue” tool allowing for example for data loading from excel files, producing reports in PDF and even building complete dashboards in the form of web pages.

Large documentation is available on installing and learning R, starting with the official sites R-project and RStudio.


All industry specific tools applied throughout this book are available in the form of packages of the programming language R. As with all open source code, they’re all available for download with freedom to modification and at no cost.

The amount of packages available is extremely large and growing very fast. When selecting new packages it is recommended to check the latest package update. Packages that have had no improvements since more than a couple of years should be questioned. The field evolves rapidly and compatibility and other issues can become painful. Two ways of obtaining statistics on package history are metacran and RStudio package manager.

Additionally an original package named {industRial} has been developed as a companion package for this book.


The companion package to this book can downloaded from CRAN with:


A development version is also available from github with:


The list below identifies which are the remaining packages required to run all the coded of the book examples. Note that it is not required to download them all at once.

The column Download precises if a package is downloaded automatically when the {industRial} package is downloaded (imports) or if it needs be downloaded manually by the reader (suggests). In technical terms this differentiation corresponds to the DESCRIPTION file and allows for a progressive installation of the required software.

Download Package Domain Version Depends
imports viridis colors 0.6.1 R (>= 2.10), viridisLite (>= 0.4.0)
imports readr data loading 1.4.0 R (>= 3.1)
imports dplyr data wrangling 1.0.7 R (>= 3.3.0)
imports forcats data wrangling 0.5.1 R (>= 3.2)
imports janitor data wrangling 2.1.0 R (>= 3.1.2)
imports magrittr data wrangling 2.0.1 NA
imports tibble data wrangling 3.1.5 R (>= 3.1.0)
imports tidyr data wrangling 1.1.4 R (>= 3.1)
imports purrr data wrangling 0.3.4 R (>= 3.2)
imports glue data wrangling 1.4.2 R (>= 3.2)
imports stringr data wrangling 1.4.0 R (>= 3.1)
imports patchwork plotting 1.1.1 NA
imports ggplot2 plotting 3.3.5 R (>= 3.3)
imports scales plotting 1.1.1 R (>= 3.2)
imports ggtext plotting 0.1.1 R (>= 3.5)
imports broom statistics 0.7.9 R (>= 3.1)
imports stats statistics 4.1.3 NA
imports skimr statistics 2.1.3 R (>= 3.1.2)
suggests qicharts2 industrial stats 0.7.1 R (>= 3.0.0)
suggests qcc industrial stats 2.7 R (>= 3.0)
suggests SixSigma industrial stats 0.9-52 R (>= 2.14.0)
suggests DoE.base industrial stats 1.1-6 R (>= 2.10), grid,
suggests rsm industrial stats 2.10.2 NA
suggests agricolae industrial stats 1.3-3 R (>= 2.10)
suggests ggraph networks 2.0.5 R (>= 2.10), ggplot2 (>= 3.0.0)
suggests tidygraph networks 1.2.0 NA
suggests igraph networks 1.2.6 methods
suggests ggforce networks 0.3.3 ggplot2 (>= 3.0.0), R (>= 3.3.0)
suggests bookdown publishing 0.22 NA
suggests knitr publishing 1.33 R (>= 3.2.3)
suggests kableextra publishing NA NA
suggests gt publishing 0.3.0 R (>= 3.2.0)
suggests car statistics 3.0-10 R (>= 3.5.0), carData (>= 3.0-0)
suggests RcmdrMisc statistics 2.7-1 R (>= 3.5.0), utils, car (>= 3.0-0), sandwich

In the book text we don’t see the loading instructions for the installed packages over and over again every time an example is given to avoid repetition (e.g. running library(dplyr) before each code chunk). Be sure to load at minimum the packages below before trying any example:

ds_pkgs <- c("tidyverse", "scales", "janitor", "knitr", "stats", "industRial",
  "viridis", "broom", "patchwork")
purrr::map(ds_pkgs, library, character.only = TRUE)

Beware of the common issue of function masking. This happens more often in R when compared to python. As we tend to load all the sets of functions from each package we end up with conflicting function names. In the scope of this text it is mostly the function filter() from {dplyr} which conflicts with the function with the same name from {stats}. We tackle this with the simple technique of adding filter <- dplyr::filter in the beginning of our script to precise which function we want to give priority and we pre-append the package name to all calls of the other function such as stats::filter. For more sophisticated ways to handle this issue we suggest the package {import}.


We’re highlighting now some specific packages that are used in the book and that bring powerful features in analysis of data from R&D and Operations. Wherever they are required in the book we loaded them explicitly in the text to help tracking where the specific functions come from.

six sigma

{SixSigma} is a complete and robust R package. It provides many well tested functions in the area of quality and process improvement. We’re presenting a full example with the gage r&R function in our MSA Case Study. As many other industrial packages, the {SixSigma} package is from before the {tidyverse} era and its plots have not all been been developed with {ggplot2}. This sometimes makes integration in newer approaches a little bit harder. The data output is still nevertheless fully exploitable and very useful. The package is part of an excellent book with the same name published by Emilio L. Cano (2012).


The Quality Control Charts package, {qcc} is another very complete and solid package. It offers a very large range of statistical process control charts and capability analysis. Several examples of the control charts are available in its vignette: qcc vignette that we develop further in our SPC Case Studies.


We recommend {qichart2} specifically for the good pareto plots. The package also provides statistical process control charts which are based on {ggplot2} and can serve as an easier alternative to the {qcc} package. As many niche packages we need to be aware that the number of contributors is small meaning that it cannot be as thoroughly tested as community packages.


This package is one of the most complete and vast packages in Design of Experiments. {DoE.base} is a first of a large suite of packages on the topic, it has vast functionality and is very well documented. We do some exploration of the automatic generation of designs in the DOE case studies. Full documentation available under: DoE.base


Agricolae is a long tested package in the domain of design of experiments. It has been developed for the domain of Agricultural Research but can be used elsewhere. We make a small use, specifically to obtain the function fisher LSD but believe the package has a wealth of functions and methodologies to be explored.


The Response Surface Methods {rsm} is the best option in our view to produce 3D plots from linear models. It has specific features to use directly the models removing all the work to produce the data and feed generic 3D plotting functions. The package is larger than this and contains many support functions in the domain of design of experiments.


The {car} package which stands for Companion for Applied Regression is also used in many occasions as it contains many useful functions to assess the performance of linear models and anova. This package is combined with a complete book by Fox and Weisberg (2019).


This package by the same author of the {car} provides additional miscellaneous functions for statistical analysis. Although it is part of a point and click interface for R we value it for its functions and plots in the domain of linear regression.


The mission of {broom} is to Convert statistical objects into tidy tibbles. This is quite useful when we want to reuse the output of the statistical analysis such as the R-squared in data pipelines with {tidyverse} packages. It becomes specially handy to obtain printing quality outputs in {Rmarkdown} documents with tables rendered with {kable} and in {shiny} apps. Several examples are present throughout our book and mostly in the tutorials.


This package comes from ropensci a strong and open community supported by large global organizations such as the NASA. {skimr} is an interesting and powerful alternative to the base summary() function. Two main features make it a strong candidate for regular utilization: the first is its tight integrated with {tidyverse} and {knitr} making it possible to integrate it in pipelines, filtering and so on and in Rmarkdown chunks with specific printing arguments; the second is its extensive customization capabilities allowing to add and remove indicators, data types and presentation formats and aggregation levels.


Many functions from the packages discussed before are built on the large and extremely well tested {stats} package. This package is installed directly with R and consolidates software code that has been improving and tested for decades. As an example the source code of the lm function has close to 1000 lines. The complete package has more than 400 functions that can be listed with library(help = "stats") or ls("package:stats")


All datasets presented throughout the book are fully anonymous. Once the package is correctly installed it can be loaded in the R session as usual with the library() function.


The primary goal of {industRial} is to make easily available all the data sets from all case studies. We can easily look for a data set by typing industRial:: and tab. The complete list can also be obtained with the snippet below:

data(package = "industRial") %>%
  pluck("results") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  select(Item, Title) %>%
Item Title
battery_charging Charging time of a lithium-ion battery.
dial_control Collection of visual defects on watch dial production.
ebike_hardening Cycles to failure of ebikes frames after temperature treatment.
ebike_hardening2 Cycles to failure of ebikes frames after temperature treatment.
juice_drymatter Dry matter content of different juices obtained with two different measurement devices.
perfume_experiment Correlation matrix of the input variables of an experiment design in perfume formulation.
pet_delivery Tensile strength values on PET raw material for the clothing industry.
pet_doe A factorial design for the improvement of PET film tensile strength.
solarcell_fill Yearly outputs and fills factor of solarcells of different types.
solarcell_output Yearly outputs of solarcells of different types.
syringe_diameter Production measurements of the inner diameter of syringes barrels.
tablet_thickness Thickness measurements of pharmaceutical tablets
tablet_weight Weight measurements of pharmaceutical tablets

Once the package is loaded the data objects become immediately available in memory and can directly be used in the examples presented or for further exploration. Lets confirm this invoking the first data set:

dial_control %>%
  head() %>%
Operator Date Defect Location id
Jane 2018.01.31 Indent 3h D2354
Jane 2018.02.02 Indent 3h D2355
Jane 2018.02.02 Indent 4h D2356
Peter 2018.02.02 Indent 10h D2357
Jane 2018.02.03 Scratch 3h D2358
Jane 2018.02.03 Indent 3h D2359

The dateset can be used and manipulated like any other dataset created in the session or loaded otherwise. For example it can be filtered and assigned to a new variable name:

dial_peter <- dial_control %>%
  filter(Operator == "Peter") 
dial_peter %>%
  head(2) %>%
Operator Date Defect Location id
Peter 2018.02.02 Indent 10h D2357
Peter 2018.02.03 Scratch 4h D2360


Besides the data sets the {industRial} package also contains toy functions to plot Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts. The objective here is to showcase how to build such functions and their scope of application is limited to the book case studies. For complete and robust SPC functions we recommend using the {QCC} package also described below.

Additionally the package contains theme functions to print and customize the aesthetics of spc charts and other charts. These themes are built on top of the {ggplot2} by H.Wickham and {cowplot} package by Claus O.Wilke. The main objective is to give the reader a starting point for customization of charts in this domain.

A functions can conveniently be accessed on the console with industRial:: and then tab. The complete list of themes and functions can be seen with:

lsf.str("package:industRial") %>%
  unclass() %>%
  as_tibble() %>%

For each function a help page is available and can be obtained the same way as any other R data sets, themes and functions with ?<object> (e.g. ?chart_xbar)

To go even deeper and get access to all the code, the original book Rmd files are also bundled in the package and can be seen in the book folder. A way to get the exact folder path is:

paste0(.libPaths()[1], "/industRial/book")
[1] "/home/joao/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.1/industRial/book"


Emilio L. Cano, Andrés Redchuk, Javier M. Moguerza. 2012. Six Sigma with r. 1th ed. Vol. 36. Use r! Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London: Springer.
Fox, John, and Sanford Weisberg. 2019. An r Companion to Applied Regression. 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE publishing.